The main goal in treatment of Bronchial Asthma is to:
- Reduce acute exacerbations of the disease
- Control the chronicity of complaints like coughing and shortness of breath
- To maintain proper function of lungs and prevent further attacks
- Reduce and prevent frequent hospital admissions and visits
There are two types of medicines in treatment of Bronchial Asthma:
- Long-term control medicines like corticosteroids or inhalers are used to reduce airway inflammation and prevent asthma attacks.
- Quick-relief medicines like short-acting beta agonists are used to control acute exacerbation or any flare-ups of symptoms. However, long term use of bronchodilators and corticosteroids can cause enormous side effects in the body.
- If asthma is stimulated or worsened by some allergens, allergy shots or medications are prescribed.