About Us


General Queries:

  • 1What are the different modes of online communication between the patient and the physician on WelcomeCure?

    To make communication simple and time-saving, we have created a Profile Dashboard for every patient who registers with us. Through this dashboard, patients can submit queries or send their case history. Apart from this, patients can also request the portal admin to arrange for a meeting with their Doctor through Chat or Skype.

  • 2What are the advantages of online homeopathic treatment over physically visiting a doctor?
    • You can save your valuable time with online health consultation.
    • You no longer need to take time out of your busy schedule and wait for your doctor’s appointment, long queues in the clinic, and waste time on travelling to reach your doctor.
    • You can connect with and consult from anywhere in the world.
  • 3Can I simultaneously continue treatment with my other doctor while I am under your treatment?

    You can continue with your other doctor’s treatment, but we request you to keep your Expert informed about this. Both the online Expert and your doctor need to be in the know about each other’s treatment and medicines being consumed by you. We also strictly advise you not to self-medicate and start or withdraw any medicine without our Expert’s prior consent.

  • 4What measures have you taken to keep our data such as medical records, lab reports, and demographic details confidential?

    WelcomeCure’s processes are in strict adherence to the world standards of HIPPA and HL7. We ensure that our patients’ data is kept confidential and take measures to avoid security breach.

  • 1 What is the process of registration?

    You can avail either of 2 options to register on the health portal.

    1. Visit the WelcomeCure homepage and directly register on the portal.(Click here to Register)

    2. Alternatively, you can register through your Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn account.

  • 2What is the minimum age limit for patient registration?

    There is no minimum age requirement to register for WelcomeCure. But, if the patient is a child, a differently abled person, or someone who is not internet-savvy, then a parent or guardian can register on their behalf.

  • 3Can hospitalised patients register for online treatment?

    Yes. Homeopathic treatment can be followed along with hospitalization. However, you must keep your hospital doctors, caretakers, and online expert informed about all the treatments you are following.

  • 4Can pregnant women and disabled/differently abled people register for online treatment?

    Yes. Pregnant women and disabled/differently abled people are allowed to register for online treatment. But, such individuals may require assistance from others to register, and all these facts (pregnancy, special characteristics), need to be mentioned clearly in the patient profile. This helps in providing a clear insight about patient condition to the doctors. We assure you that all the data will be kept strictly confidential. Data modification is solely the right of the patient/guardian.

  • 5Can patients having serious illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, swine flu, brain tumor, or Parkinson’s disease register for online treatment?

    Yes. We do not discriminate on the basis of severity/type of disease. However, the scope of homeopathic treatment can be decided only by the Expert physician.

  • 6Can I register on behalf of my child or elderly parents/relatives?

    Yes, you can register on behalf of your child or elderly parents/relatives. Make sure all the data you provide in the patient profile and other medical records is accurate.

  • 1Can I choose my own physician or the system will assign one to me on registration?

    You have the benefit of choosing your own Expert. If you are not sure or feel confused, the portal will recommend an Expert to you based on your disease condition.

  • 2What is the time availability of online physicians?

    Our Base Panel Doctors are available between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. IST. Within this time, live chat can be undertaken. Experts will be available for Chat on request.

  • 3Is it possible to change my Expert in the midst of an ongoing treatment, if I am not satisfied?

    Your request to replace your Expert will be thoroughly reviewed by us, and we can provide you with another Expert if deemed necessary.

  • 4If the Expert physician I choose is not available to treat me, can I choose another Expert?

    When you begin the online consultation, we will provide you the option to choose 3 Experts physicians. Under normal conditions, we will assign you the first Expert you request for. However, under certain situations, if the first preference is not available, we will assign another Expert selected by you.

  • 1How will the medicine/s be dispensed to me?

    After your Expert physician forwards your prescription, our Delivery department will take charge of dispensing and sending the medicine to you. Our Delivery Department has people who are well-trained and skilled in the task of dispensing medicines. We follow the utmost precautions while doing so and all our medicines are of superlative quality.

  • 2How will you compensate if the medicine is damaged or lost during transit?

    If we receive a notification from you or the courier company of your medicine package being damaged / lost, we will replace the medications free of cost and dispatch them at the earliest.

  • 3What is the maximum duration within which medicines will reach my home?

    The medicines will reach your home within 5-7 days of dispensing. This also depends on the location.

  • 4How will you help me if the treatment does not work?

    Your Expert will review your case again, and we will dispatch fresh medicines free of cost. If necessary, we will forward your case history for a Panel Consult.

  • 5What should I do if I experience adverse side effects of the medicine during night time / when live chat is not possible?

    This situation is highly unlikely as all the medicines are carefully selected and dispensed and the action of our medicines is gentle. Nevertheless, if you do experience severe side effects, we would recommend you to do the following:

    1. Have strong coffee or inhale odours of camphor or eucalyptus. They are known to antidote the effects of homeopathic medicine.

    2. Consult your local physician at the earliest, if your side effects do not come under control.

    3. Write an email to us notifying us about your condition.

  • 1How and when do I need to make payments?

    Before you start consulting your Expert, you need to select a treatment plan that is most suited for your needs. You will be then directed to the payment page where you’ll need to authenticate your payment.

  • 2Do you offer any health packages or can I consult whenever I need?

    We offer duration-based health packages for individuals as well as family / group. You need to opt for any one of them. Within this duration, you can consult your physician whenever you need.

  • 3Do I have to buy a separate package for each of my ailments?

    Not at all! There are certain homeopathic treatment portals that work on disease-based payment plans. Our portal is designed to treat you holistically and completely for any number of ailments you have. Our treatment plans are based on the time duration of your selected package. Within this time duration, you can consult your Expert physician for 1, 2 or more ailments, and we won’t charge a single extra penny for that!

  • 4Do you offer special discount schemes on health packages?

    Yes. If you opt our group/ family treatment plans, any new member added gets 20% discount on the chosen health plan.

    If you are a corporate company, we offer you customised treatment plans to suit your company’s requirements. Click here to know more.

  • 5Do I have to make payments before or after the delivery of medicine?

    You need to make payment while selecting the treatment plan. After successful payment, you can choose your Expert physician, submit your case history, and based on your Expert’s prescription, your medicines will be dispatched. You do not have to pay separately for your medicines. Their cost has been pre-included in the treatment plan.