• Vitiligo Diagnosis and Tests

Diagnosis and Tests
  • Medical history: A detailed history is not only helpful in determining the most likely cause of Vitiligo but also helps in differentiating with other skin conditions.
  • Skin examination: A qualified medical professional can usually diagnose Vitiligo when he/she sees it. An examination can also determine the type and extent of the condition.
  • Skin biopsy: This test involves cutting out a tiny portion of the skin for microscopic examination. Skin that has been affected by Vitiligo shows complete absence of melanocytes with total loss of pigmentation. Also degenerative changes may be noticed in the cells of adjacent skin.
  • Blood tests: A Complete Blood Count is done to by and large get an overview on the overall health of the person. An ANA (Anti-Nuclear Antibodies) levels test is usually advised, because this determines the intensity of autoimmune attack in the body. The higher the ANA levels, the more is the autoimmune impact on the body.