Do you or someone you know suffer from electric shock like pains on one side of the face?
Is it becoming almost impossible for you to live with this menacing condition?
The pain-killers that you have been popping haven't really helped in diminishing this excruciating pain?
Well then it is possible that you may be suffering from a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia. But what is it all about? Read on to find out more about Trigeminal Neuralgia.
Historically Trigeminal Neuralgia has been called "suicide disease" as due to lack of treatments sufferers would often think of committing suicide. Trigeminal neuralgia was first described by physician John Fothergill and hence also known a Fothergill's Disease.
Neuralgia is pain arising from an irritated or damaged nerve and is felt in the part of the body served by the nerve not necessarily at the site of the problem. The pressure on the nerve could be due to injury to bone or connective tissue or to a blood vessel supplying the nerve.
Trigeminal Neuralgia is a severe sudden pain in the face (mostly one-sided) which the patient describes as sharp shooting or like an electric shock. Trigeminal Neuralgia is one of the most tormenting conditions seen in medical practice. Click to read about Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve
- Sudden sharp shooting pain on one side of the face
- Attack usually lasts from a few seconds to few minutes
- Cold or hot fomentation gives temporary relief
- More common in women above 50 years of age
Know more about Symptoms of Chalazion
- Severity of pain leads to incapability of performing daily activities
- Increased risk of permanent nerve damage
- Depression cue to chronic pain
- Pain increases on eating, so often people become afraid to eat and lose weight.
- Sensitivity to sounds is increased even during sleep
- Homeopathy gives incredible results in the Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia.
- Instead of focussing only on symptomatic relief Homeopathy ensures that the root cause of the disease is taken care of.
- Homeopathic medicines strengthen the immunity and reduce the sensitivity towards the triggering factors of Trigeminal Neuralgia.
- Homeopathy offers the most holistic approach in the Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia.
- Homeopathy works wonderfully on both body and mind and hence can even take care of the emotional triggers.
- Homeopathic Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia helps to reduce the intensity and frequency of the painful attacks as well as prevent relapses.
- Homeopathy has more than 50 remedies for trigeminal neuralgia which help to give a long lasting solution to trigeminal neuralgia
Few of the most effective remedies for neuralgia are -
Spigelia: Neuralgia from washing head with cold water. Pains worsen by slightest movement, by least noise and by opening the mouth.
Colocynth: Burning pains digging and tearing intense facial pains. This medicine is especially suited for irritable persons who are easily angered.
Verbascum: Facial Neuralgia affects zygoma, temporo-maxillary joint and ear particularly of the left side. Complaints worsen on slightest changes of temperature.