Homeopathy is very proficient in managing the symptoms of Allergies and has an excellent success rate in homeopathic treatment for Allergies.
- Homeopathy does not treat symptoms only but treats the underlying cause to eliminate the disease from its roots.
- Constitutional approach of Homeopathy not only treats your current allergic symptoms but treats your predisposition to allergy so that you can live allergy free.
- Allergens are usually common substances of our day to day life. But not everyone reacts to them in same manner. Therefore, individualization is very important to treat the predisposition towards that allergen. Hence Homeopathy is only way to complete HEALTH.
- Constant suppression of symptoms can lead to repeated recurrence in more severe form. Homeopathy does not advocate suppression of disease but treats Allergies in the most effective & natural way possible.
- Moreover, it also helps in preventing the relapse of the condition and also tackles all complications. Homoeopathic treatment for Allergies provides complete holistic wellbeing to the patient. Homeopathy comes as most effective line of treatment and manages efficient role in immunity development and corrects natural defence of body which usually mistakes common substances as invaders and over reacts.
- Homeopathic treatment for Allergies has many medicines which are very helpful in tackling all sorts of allergies be it nasal allergies, food allergies, skin allergies.
- Most importantly, Homeopathy is capable to prevent complications of allergies when treatment is received timely.
- Homeopathic medicines are safe, side effect free, easy to administer and well proved. Homeopathy is a logical, safe and quick mode of treatment.
Few of our amazing remedies in Homeopathic treatment of ALLERGIES include:
- ARS ALB: Very effective remedy for Allergies with intense restlessness and anxiety. Hay fever with thin, watery, excoriating discharge. Nose feels clogged, sneezing without relief. Cold symptoms worse in open air and better indoor.
- NUX VOMICA : One of the wonderful remedies for Allergies with oversensitivity from strong odours. Violent sneezing with watery discharge from one nostril. Nasal discharge during day time only but there is congestion at night.
- WYETHIA : Excellent remedy for pricking dry sensation in throat with dry hacking cough due to allergic reactions. Constant desire to swallow saliva to relieve dryness of throat.
- SABADILLA : Great remedy for persistent and violent sneezing. Fluent allergic reaction with sneezing from smell of flowers. Cannot stand smell of garlic. Stubborn cold which refuses to go away.
- NATRUM MURIATICUM : Superlative remedy for allergic reactions. Excessive tearing from eyes with redness, burning and acridity. Violent & fluent cold with nose clogging and difficult breathing. Sneezing in early morning.
- ARUM TRIPHYLLUM : Good remedy for acrid, excoriating discharge which makes the nose raw. Nose is obstructed and patient constantly picks the nose until it bleeds. Blood streaked watery discharge from nose.
- Have a look at some of the homeopathic remedies used for the treatment of Allergies. The treatment given by our Experts is highly specific for the individual we treat and not limited to 2 or 3 drugs. Homeopathic treatment for Allergies offers a minimum of 200 remedies effective against Allergies.
Homeopathy improves immunity & self defence mechanism of body. Also it reduces frequency and severity of Allergies.
ALLERGY: 1 Adren,3 Agar, 1 Agath-a,3 Ail, 1 Alco, 4 ALL-C, 1 Allox, 1 Am-c,3 Ambro, 1 Aml-n, 1 Anh, 4 ANT-C,3 Ant-t, 1 Antho, 1 Antipyrin, 1 Aphis,3 Apis, 1 Apoc, 4 ARAL, 1 Aran, 1 Arg-m, 1 Arg-n, 1 Arist-cl,3 Ars, 3 Ars-i, 3 Arum-t, 4 ARUND, 1 Asar,3 Asc-c, 3 Astac, 1 Astra-e, 1 Aur-m, 1 Aur-m-n, 1 Ba-tn, 1 Bac,3 Bad, 1 Bamb-a, 1 Bani-c, 1 Bar-ar,3 Bell, 1 Benz-ac, 1 Berb-a, 1 Beryl, 1 Blatta, 1 Bomb-pr,3 Bov, 4 BROM, 1 Bros-g, 1 Bry, 1 Buni-o, 1 C-di-o, 3 Calad, 4 CALC, 1 Calc-ar, 1 Calc-f,3 Calc-i, 1 Calc-l-n, 1 Calc-m, 1 Calc-sil, 1 Camph, 1 Cand-a, 1 Cann-s, 1 Canth, 1 Carb-ac, 3 Carb-v, 3 Carc, 1 Card-m, 1 Caust, 1 Cer-o, 1 Cer-p, 3 Chin, 1 Chin-ar, 1 Chlam-t, 3 Chlol, 3 Chlor, 1 Chloram, 1 Chlorpr, 1 Chol, 1 Cic, 1 Cina,3 Cist, 1 Coc-c, 1 Cocain, 1 Colch, 1 Coloc, 1 Con, 3 Cop, 1 Cordys-s, 1 Cortico, 1 Cortiso, 1 Cupr-acet, 1 Cupr-ar, 1 Cycl, 1 Cypr, 1 Des-ac, 1 Diox, 1 Dpt, 4 DULC, 4 DYS-CO, 1 Echi, 4 EPHE, 4 EPHIN, 1 Erb, 1 Erb-o, 1 Ergot, 1 Eucal,3 Euph, 1 Euph-pi,3 Euphr, 1 Excr-can, 2 Ferr-m, 1 Fic, 1 Flav, 1 Foll, 1 Form-ac, 1 Frag, 2 Fuc, 1 Gado-n, 1 Gall-ac, 4 GALPH, 4 GELS, 1 Gink, 2 Glech,3 Glyc-g, 4 GRAPH, 1 Grin, 1 Guano, 1 Haliae-lc, 1 Hed, 3 Hell
3 All-c, 2 Ars, 2 Carb-v, 2 Dulc, 2 Euphr, 1 Lach, 2 Naja, 2 Nat-s, 2 Nux-v, 1 Sin-n, 1 Stict
4 ANT-C, 1 Apis,3 Ars , 3 Astac, 1 Bell, 2 Bov, 1 Bry, 1 Calc, 1 Calc-ar, 1 Camph, 1 Cann-s, 1 Carb-v,3 Chlol, 1 Chol, 1 Coloc, 3 Cop, 1 Dulc, 1 Euph, 1 Fic, 1 Frag, 1 Galph, 4 GRAPH, 1 Hep, 1 Hom, 1 Ind, 1 Levo, 1 Lyc, 1 Med, 1 Medus, 1 Morg-g, 1 Nat-s, 1 Neod-c, 1 Pall, 1 Parth, 1 Petr, 1 Pot-a,3 Puls, 1 Rhus-t, 1 Ruta, 1 Sil, 1 Stroph, 1 Syc-co, 1 Tela,3 Ter, 1 Terb-s, 1 Tet, 4 TUB, 3 Urt-u