• Speech Disorders Treatment

  • Mild cases need no treatment. They usually improve on their own.
  • Practicing speech under the supervision of specialist is very important to improve speech.
  • Exercise- Exercises are planned for patients to increase strength of oral muscles and control breathing in treatment for speech disorders.
  • Speech Therapy- Those cases which do not improve on their own require speech therapy in treatment for speech disorders. Main focus is to aim for smooth and fluent speech.
  • Psychotherapy- This is a therapy which helps in improving confidence and speech tackling nervousness issues. This is important part in treatment for speech disorders.
  • Medications- Medications may be used to treat physical causes like enlarged adenoids, vocal polyps, tumors etc. Since Speech Disorders may cause Depression, hence antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed in selected cases.
  • In total loss of speech or in deafness & mutism, sign languages can be of great help in communication.