• Peptic Ulcer Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic Treatment
  • Homeopathy is proficient in management of Peptic Ulcer symptoms and has good success rate in treatment of peptic ulcers.
  • Homeopathic treatment for Peptic Ulcer disease reestablishes normal balance between mucosal protection/repair and aggressive factors, thereby curing the ulcer.
  • Homeopathic treatment for Peptic Ulcer disease also helps in prevention of relapse of peptic ulcer. Holistic homeopathic treatment for Peptic ulcer disease gives complete well being to the patient by eliminating root cause of disease.

Few of our amazing remedies include:

  • HYDRASTIS CANADENSE: Severe pain in stomach after eating with frequent vomiting of food. Sore feeling with weak digestion. Bitter taste in mouth.
  • IPECAC: Constant nausea and vomiting of yellow mucus. Vomit food, bile, blood. Worse periodically; worse after meat.
  • KALI CARBONICUM: Burning acidity rising from stomach, with some spasmodic constriction. Bloating, sour eructations and nausea with disgust for food.

Homeopathy has more than 100 effective remedies for treatment and prevention of Peptic Ulcers.

2Abrot, 2Absin, 1Acet-ac, 1Acon, 2Acor-c, 1Aesc, 2Alth, 1Alum, 1Alumn, 3Anac, 2Ange-a, 1Ant-t, 3Arg-n, 3Ars, 2Asaf, 3Atro, 1Bapt, 3Bell, 1Bism, 1Brom, 1Bry, 1Cadm-s, 1Calc, 3Calc-ar, 1Calc-f, 3Calen, 1Canth, 1Carb-ac, 1Carb-v, 1Carc, 2Card-b, 1Caust, 4CHEL, 1Chin, 1Chlorpr, 1Cic, 1Colch, 1Con, 1Cortico, 3Crot-h, 4CUND, 3Cur, 1Dios, 1Dys-co, 2Echi, 2Equis-a, 1Eucal, 1Euph, 1Ferr, 1Ferr-acet, 2Fum, 3Ger, 2Ger-r, 1Glyc-g, 3Graph, 1Grin, 1Ham, 1Hep, 1Hir, 4HYDR, 3Ign, 1Inul, 1Iod, 3Ip, 2Juni-c, 4KALI-BI, 3Kali-c, 1Kali-cy, 1Kali-i, 1Kali-p, 3Kreos, 1Lac-c, 2Lappa, 3Lyc, 1Mag-c, 1Med, 1Merc, 3Merc-c, 3Mez, 1Morg, 1Morg-g, 1Nat-c, 1Nat-m, 1Nat-p, 1Nat-s, 3Nit-ac, 3Nux-v, 1Op, 3Orni, 1Parathyr, 1Petr, 1Ph-ac, 4PHOS, 2Plan, 2Plan-l, 1Plb, 1Plb-acet, 3Polyg-a, 3Pot-t, 1Prot, 4PSOR, 3Quer-r, 1Ran-b, 3Rat, 1Reser, 4SAL-AC, 2Salv, 1Sang, 3Sanic-eu, 4SEP, 1Sil, 1Sin-a, 3Sin-n, 2Sol-t, 1Stann, 2Staph, 1Stram, 1Sul-ac, 1Sulfa, 1Sulph, 4SYMPH, 1Syph, 1Tab, 2Thymu, 2Thymu-v, 2Trig-f-g, 1Tub, 1Uran, 3Uran-n, 1Ven-m, 2Verat

The remedy abbreviations with

  • 4 marks- most effective,
  • 3 marks- quite effective,
  • 2 marks- less effective,
  • 1 mark- least effective