• Nocturnal Enuresis Treatment


The basic goal of treatment for Nocturnal Enuresis is to reduce the frequency, the psychological impact on child's behaviour and the probable causes related to bedwetting.

Different therapies are used in treatment for nocturnal enuresis like-

  • Medications
  • Behavioural modification

Medications like Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) and others are used in treatment for nocturnal enuresis to decrease the urine output and prevent the child from bedwetting.

In case of a small bladder, an anticholinergic drug may reduce the contractions and increase the capacity of bladder.

Behaviour modification- It includes-

  • Vibrating alarm- A vibrating device called moisture alarm is connected to the night wears of children who suffer from bedwetting. It makes sound when child begins to urinate so that the child wakes up in the middle of night and goes to loo for urination. But sometimes child is in deep sleep and fails to wake up, at that time parents need to be alert and try to wake up their child for urination. This is an important part in treatment for nocturnal enuresis.
  • Positive reinforcement- Parents should understand that bedwetting is not a big issue and can be overcome by the child as he/ she grows older. They should never punish or blame their child for bedwetting, but instead reward them for dry nights and be supportive and encourage them often. Make sure that no one in the family tease him or bullies him for this problem. Avoid discussing this issue with outsiders as it can affect your child mentally and socially.
  • Reducing the intake of fluids in the night and encouraging them to urinate at regular intervals throughout the day may be helpful. The child should be encouraged to urinate every 1–2 hours during the day and immediately before bed.
  • Pelvic muscle exercises. Teach your child few exercises that will help to strengthen his pelvic floor muscles. These are important steps in treatment for nocturnal enuresis.

If the cause is due to any structural abnormalities like urethral obstruction, constipation or sleep apnea, then treatment for nocturnal enuresis should be based accordingly.

Parents should remember that their child is not doing this act purposely or intentionally, thus they need to be patient and supportive with them so that they feel secured and assured that they can get rid of this problem completely during treatment for nocturnal enuresis.
