• Genital Herpes Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic Treatment
    Homeopathy offers a definitive treatment for this stubborn and relentless disease condition.
  • The homeopathic approach to herpes is a holistic one.
  • Homeopathic treatment for genital herpes boosts the immunity and helps in prevention of herpes infection.
  • Whenever the infection occurs, homeopathic treatment for genital herpes helps in eliminating it quickly and permanently in its entirety.
  • Homeopathic treatment for genital herpes is therefore a more advanced mode of treatment for herpes and highly effective in preventing the complications of herpes infection.
  • Homeopathic treatment for genital herpes greatly reduces the probability of relapses of the infection.
  • Homeopathic books and literature show that there are more than 100 highly potent homeopathic remedies for complete homeopathic treatment for genital herpes including its complications.

That's the extraordinary scope and range of homeopathy!!

Hundreds of thousands of people have benefitted from the amazing curative power of homeopathy while millions more are willing to experience the same in eliminating this highly prevalent and tenacious disease.

ERUPTIONS, HERPES, MALE GENITALIA: 1Anath, 2Ars, 1Aur, 3Calc, 1Carb-v, 3Caust, 1Chr-s, 3Cinnb, 1Crot-h, 3Croto-t, 4DULC, 1Echi, 1Eup-per, 3Graph, 3Hep, 1Jug-r, 3Kali-c, 1Kali-i, 1Lat-h, 2Lyc, 3Merc, 1Mez, 3Nat-c, 3Nat-m, 3Nit-ac, 2Olnd, 4PETR, 3Ph-ac, 1Phlor, 1Phys, 3Rhus-t, 3Sars, 3Sep, 3Sil, 1Sulph, 1Syc-co, 1Syph, 3Tell, 1Ter, 3Thuj

ERUPTIONS HERPETIC, FEMALE GENITALIA: 1Alco, 1Apis, 2Arn, 1Ars, 1Bor, 1Bufo, 1Carb-v, 1Caust, 1Cench, 1Croto-t, 3Dulc, 1Echi, 1Fl-ac, 1Gink, 3Graph, 1Helon, 1Kali-c, 1Kreos, 1Lyc, 1Mant-r, 1Med, 1Melal-a, 1Merc, 2Musc-d, 1Nat-c, 1Nat-m, 1Nat-s, 1Nit-ac, 1Nux-v, 1Ol-j, 4PETR, 1Plat, 2Rhus-t, 1Rhus-v, 1Rob, 1Ros-d, 1Sars, 4SEP, 3Sil, 1Sulph, 1Syc-co, 1Ter, 3Thuj, 1Thul-p, 1Urt-u

    The remedy abbreviations with
  • 4 marks- most effective,
  • 3 marks- quite effective,
  • 2 marks- less effective,
  • 1 mark- least effective.
