• Allergic Rhinitis Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • 1 How one can diagnose allergic disease?

    Allergies can be detected by performing a simple skin test by inducing a small amount of material into the skin. An allergic person will show a raised bump (hive) on skin wherever that particular allergen has been injected. This test will decide whether the person is allergic or not.

    Also another blood test, called the Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST), can measure the immune system's response to a specific allergen.

    Click to know more about Diagnosis of Allergic Rhinitis.

  • 2 Can Allergic rhinitis be permanently wiped off?

    Well, yes you can get permanent relief from this disease. Homeopathy will help you in reducing the frequency of attacks of this disease and can prevent it from leading to different other disease like Asthma or Sinusitis.

    Homeopathic medicines act at the deeper level of the immune system and boost natural resistance so that you can live a disease-free life.

  • 3 Are there any simple home measures I can follow to combat Allergic Rhinitis??

    Simple remedial measures such as consuming warm water, hot tea or chicken soup help to clear the airways by unblocking the nose. Eating food products rich in omega-3 fatty acids like fish, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin and flax seeds will lower the risk of developing allergies in kids and adults.

  • 4 Is there any other treatment available to get permanent relief from my symptoms of Allergic rhinitis?

    Homeopathy has the potential benefit of relieving a large number of patients from the horrible attacks of allergic reaction in general and allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy) in particular. It focuses on the body's immune system by reducing hypersensitivity to allergens.

    After administration of medicines, over a period of time, the patient reacts less aggressively to the triggers and gets better adapted to his environment.

    90% of patients who are suffering from allergies can become normal with correct homeopathic treatment.

  • 5 What are the treatments available for Allergic rhinitis?

    Treatment of any type of Allergy involves a two-step process. The first is mainly avoidance of the allergen or minimization of contact with it is but this may not always be possible.

    Secondly, medications like antihistamines, oral decongestants and various nasal sprays are used in Conventional therapy. However, this relief will last only as long as the medicines act. Once such medicines exhaust their action, the relief will also start wearing off.

    Sometimes if not relieved by above measures, injections or "allergy shots" are also sometimes prescribed, again with debatable effects.

  • 6 My mother doesn't take any medicines whenever she is down with sneezing and running nose. Is there any risk involved here?

    Allergic rhinitis can be irritating and can produce discomfort to many patients. It can sometimes also have a significant impact on daily activities and performance in school and work. If proper precautions are not taken at the right time, then the ear, nose and chest can get involved leading to serious problems.

    If your mother doesn't take care of her health and if at all her symptoms increase, then there are chances that she may develop some complications like Asthma, Sinusitis, etc.

    It is not advisable to ignore Allergic rhinitis. Timely treatment now for a few months can prevent years of suffering in future.

  • 7 What increases my risk for Allergic rhinitis?

    Allergic rhinitis has a strong genetic predisposition. It is seen that one parent with a history of Allergic rhinitis has a 30% chance of producing an offspring with a propensity for the same disorder, and if both parents have a history of allergies, then there is a 50% chances of the disease occurring in their children.

    Also, environmental factors such as residing in cold climates, high humidity areas and exposure to certain chemicals, cigarette smoking and fumes can increase the risk of developing Allergic rhinitis.

  • 8 Is allergic rhinitis an infectious disease?

    Allergic rhinitis is not an infectious disease. It cannot be transmitted from person to person. The basis of the disease is a hypersensitivity to certain substances, and this trait is individualistic.

  • 9 How do I know if my child is suffering from Allergic rhinitis?

    Allergic rhinitis usually occurs after years of repeated inhalation of allergic substances. The most common presentation will be paroxysmal sneezing and nasal discharge. The inflammation can sometimes spread from nasal passages to the throat and ear producing postnasal drip and discomfort in ears. There can be itching, watering and redness of eyes too. Some children can even complain of nasal blockage with difficulty in breathing at night.

    Along with all these complaints, the child can even suffer from other constitutional symptoms like fatigue, loss of weight and decreased appetite. However, the final diagnosis can be made only by a trained healthcare professional, on careful examination and history taking.

    Read Symptoms Of Allergic Rhinitis to know more about the disease.

  • 10 Yesterday, my daughter went to play in a park that had a lot of dust. Since then, she has started sneezing violently and keeps scratching her nose? What can this be?

    If your child has started complaining of sneezing with itching in nose after been exposed to dust, then she is probably allergic to it and would be suffering from Allergic rhinitis.

    When a person comes into contact with a particular allergen, the allergic reaction does not develop immediately. The immune system gradually builds up sensitivity to that substance before overreacting to it. Then when the immune system cannot take further assault anymore, it reacts aggressively to the allergen and produces inflammation, irritation and various symptoms.

    Homeopathy is a wonderful gift especially for children, because effects of the medicines are gentle and do not cause any side effects. Allergic phenomena like Allergic rhinitis are very well-controlled by Homeopathy, since homeopathic medicines act directly on the immune system to enhance it.

    Read about Homeopathic Treatment For Allergic Rhinitis to know more.

  • 11 My child always suffers from frequent sneezing and nose block as soon as he is exposed to cold weather? What should I do?

    Any changes in weather such as drop in temperature or increase in humidity can trigger allergic reactions if people are susceptible (prone) to it. Allergic Rhinitis can develop whenever a person gets exposed to a particular allergen or some environmental stimulus.

    If your child develops respiratory complaints as soon as he is exposed to cold air, it means he is excessively sensitive to cold air and his immunity is not strong enough to deal with the hypersensitivity.

    Homeopathy is the best mode of treatment for your son, as every patient is treated holistically and not just on any specific symptoms.

    The right medicine will improve his immunity; so that he is able to fight allergies and any infection vigorously stay healthy and happy.

    Start A Consultation with our Expert NOW for a holistic solution.
