Obstinate Flat Warts Find A Solution in Homeopathy
A 34-year-old doctor from California, embarrassed by the presence of multiple flat warts on his right arm, consulted us for treatment. Within a month of our therapy, all the warts fell off, leaving behind healthy, normal skin.
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A 34-year-old doctor from California presented with multiple flat warts on the right arm.

The warts were painless but were an eyesore and would disturb him emotionally. He was embarrassed and would avoid wearing half sleeve shirts that would expose the warts.

The patient was very good in his studies. He stood 1st in school, college and was doing very well in his professional career.

He had no other symptoms and no complications.

After a detailed study and analysis of the case, the patient was given the homeopathic remedy Sulphur.

Gradually, the warts started falling off. In about a month's time, all the warts had fallen off, leaving behind healthy normal skin.

It has been 2 years since then and he has not had any recurrence.