• Infantile Colic Treatment

  • Supportive Care and Reassurance - Supportive treatment is the best in cases of colic in infants. Parental anxiety and worry among family members is what makes the situation very overwhelming and difficult to handle. Parents should remain and try to follow simple steps in calming the baby without much anxiety attacks.
    Parent should try rocking, playing some music around and patting the baby offering comfort. If you find your child running a fever or having other symptoms like vomiting or loose stools, consult your doctor immediately.
  • Breast Feeding: Make sure you breast feed your infant with the right techniques and it is also important that you don’t forget to burp your baby immediately after feeding. During breast feeding, infant swallows air in between which is known to result in colic if not burped. Do not put your child to sleep of lying down position immediately after feeds as this can also initiate a reflux. Make sure your baby is exclusively breast fed unless advised otherwise.