Homoeopathy yet again shows its magical powers in handling pregnancy induced hypertension and easing labour pains.
A 26 year old married lady suffering from infertility due to Polycystic Ovarian Disease, not only conceived with proficient Homeopathic medicines, but the enduring effects of the medicine also revived her through her labour pains.
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Mrs. U. M., 26 years old woman, married for the last 4 years came in for consultation in February

2000 with problems of inability to conceive with irregular menses since 2 years.

Her menstrual cycles were normal and regular initially. However her cycles became irregular and she

got her periods after a gap of 1 And half years.

She had the following symptoms:

  • Menses after a gap of 1 1/2 years
  • Menstruation - profuse with blackish clots
  • Abdominal cramps before menses
  • Diarrhoea during menses with colicky pains relieved only by pressure and hot fomentation.
  • Indigestion with urging to pass stools. Foods like spices, bread and empty stomach aggravated these troubles while cold milk and tea relieved them.
  • Burning pain in the stomach and feverish feeling felt with her anxiety.
  • Dizziness and perspiration accompanied her symptoms.

She was advised ultra sound of the pelvic organs which revealed polycystic ovaries . Her case history was taken in further detail in order to begin Homoeopathic treatment.

Physically, she appeared tall with an anxious expression and a dry skin.

She couldn't handle a cold weather and her dry skin worsened every time during winter.

She desired spices, cold food and drinks, carbonated drinks, and sweets. She disliked salads.

Slightest noise would disturb her sleep and she always dreamt of unfinished work.

As a person she was an anxious hypochondriac lady, who worried a lot about her health, with lot of negative thoughts. She always felt her anxiety in her stomach.

She was a sensitive lady who would get hurt easily and had a brooding tendency.

Being quite restless and bubbling with new ideas, she was also a people person who was quite liked for her understanding and helpful nature.

This fastidious lady would get frequent outbursts of anger on contradiction; would weep easily on occasions and consolation relieved her.

She was an intelligent woman with good memory and inquisitive to learn new things.

Her past medical history was suggestive of vocal nodules, recurrent pharyngitis, bronchitis, broncho- pneumonia and herpes zoster.

Her family history revealed pulmonary tuberculosis in mother and brother, along with Hypertension in mother; and father had Myocardial infarction.

Her case details when studied in depth demanded a prescription of Phosphorous.

She responded well to the treatment and finally she conceived successfully within 2 months period.

The patient was followed up throughout her pregnancy period and was treated with homoeopathic medicines for all the additional discomforts including pregnancy-induced hypertension in her 7th month.

Proficiency of Homeopathic treatment was well proved through this case; which not helped her conceive but also eased her childbirth wherein she delivered within 5 hours of the onset of labour pains.