Mrs. B. C., a thirty three year old biparous gentle female patient from Kailali ,Nepal on 26-10-2007 presented herself for the treatment of recurrent pain in right hypochondriac region radiating to epigastrium and right scapular region with nausea and flatulent distension aggravated especially after fatty, spicy meals for last three years. She was getting relief by lying down.
She was also complaining of tingling in right half of the body on and off for 2 years. She took some allopathic medicines especially pain killers but got partially relief.
Patient was registered as a case of cholelithiasis on the basis of Ultrasonography of whole abdomen with multiple gall bladder calculi.
She was anemic and her tongue was coated. Her menstrual cycle is normal and flow was adequate and she had menarche at 13 years of age. According to her since many days her appetite had become low.
She had a history of skin disease on her neck some 3 years back which was suppressed by applying Quadriderm and Ring guard ointments.
On inquiry she narrated that she is a mild sensitive person. She would easily weep if any time her husband or in laws complain her about something. She is very attached to her parents and would always feel home-sick. She often get scanty menses for about 3- 4 days. She is easily sensitive to any change of weather and would feel better in open air.
Initial Ultrasonography Report showed gall bladder normal in shape and place. Lumen shows multiple small stones.
Blood Examination reports shows hemoglobin level 10.8gm% and her SGPT level was 217.
Before Treatment
After evaluation of her symptoms PULSATILLA was selected. Pulsatilla1000 single dose followed by Chelidonium Φ 10 drops thrice daily in half cup of water for 30 days.
Dioscorea 30 was also prescribed on the basis of specific modality i.e. Pain relieved by lying and advised her to take during pain.
After continuous homeopathic treatment for a month her appetite improved. Tingling in right half of the body also subsided. Patient was advised to get repeat Ultrasonography and Liver Function Test after 1 ½ months.
Ultrasonography Report showed gall bladder is normal in shape and outline. Lumen shows two small calculi, measuring 0.5 & 0.6 mm in size near GB neck. The calculi are moving slightly with change in posture.
After Treatment:

Patient was totally asymptomatic .Placebo was prescribed for two months with suggestion to take Dioscorea 30 in acute condition of pain, if needed.Chelidonium Φ was continued.
Patient remained asymptomatic. Patient again sent for Ultrasonography after few days. Ultrasonography Report showed gall bladder is normal in shape and outline. There was no evidence of any calculus in GB lumen.