Homeopathy Breaks the Streak of Recurrent Conjunctivitis Within 2 Months
This 32 year-old woman who was at her wit's end with recurrent episodes of Conjunctivitis since one and half years finds relief ultimately within just 2 months of homeopathic treatment.
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A 32 year-old fair, thin lady accompanied by her mother came for consultation with complaints of recurrent conjunctivitis since one and a half years.

The latest episode had begun 2 days back with itching and redness of the left eye. Thick yellowish discharge accompanied the itching though there was no pain associated with it.

She would experience sticking of eyelids every morning and she noticed that her complaints were more on motion of eyes and warm application and better with cold water.

She had had 15 similar episodes in the past one and half years and had taken several antibiotics without any relief.

She was also a chronic sufferer of sinusitis since 4 years and would get a sinus headache every morning.

Her appetite was good with strong craving for sweets, though she drank less water in a day.

Her life history revealed that she came from a middle class family with strong attachment to parents. She was an only child and hence was much pampered.

She was extremely sensitive to criticism and would get easily hurt if anyone shouted at her.

After careful analysis of her case, Pulsatilla 30 was prescribed. 3 days later, the itching and redness in her eyes had significantly reduced and she had resumed her normal activities.

She continued with our treatment for 2 months and her tendency towards recurrent conjunctivitis also diminished.