An amazing recovery of cellulitis in this young man with the help of Homeopathy!
Following an accident, this 24 year old, had started developing cellulitis in his injured leg. Antibiotics did not help and so he approached us for homeopathy and saw an overwhelming response.
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A 24 year old young man had met with an accident 15 days ago and he had minor cuts and bruises on his right leg. Despite taking the antibiotics, the wounds were getting infected and the infection was spreading to the entire leg. There was mild, clear, sticky discharge oozing out of the wounds and he had a lot of pain.

The leg became hard, swollen, shiny and red in colour. He also experienced heaviness in his leg. He would try to move his leg a bit which would slightly decrease the pain.

He was prescribed Rhus Tox. Within 7 days the infection started healing and there were obvious signs of improvement. Homeopathy helped to clear the infection and heal cellulitis within 3 weeks.