From Rosacea to Clear Skin in Just 8 Months With Homeopathy!
A 16 year-old girl consulted us for treatment of stubborn Acne Rosacea, after unsuccessful attempts by doctors of various disciplines. Within just a month of beginning our treatment, her skin began clearing and by 8 months, she was completely free of Acne.
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From Rosacea to Clear Skin in Just 8 Months With Homeopathy!

Dr. Jawahar Shah

A 16 year-old girl consulted us for treatment of stubborn Acne Rosacea, after unsuccessful attempts by doctors of various disciplines. Within just a month of beginning our treatment, her skin began clearing and by 8 months, she was completely free of Acne.

This is an interesting case of a young 16 year-old girl who consulted us to treat her Acne Rosacea.

She had sought advice from all kinds of doctors, Allopathic, Ayurvedic and Naturopathic, but none of them could satisfactorily solve her problem, and she soon lost all hope of ever having clear skin.

She complained that she would get sudden flushes of heat and her face would turn painfully red. The redness was so marked that it would alarm the people around her. This made her upset and embarrassed.

She would constantly weep on her predicament and became depressed. During this period there was no inclination to do any kind of work.

The only relieving factor was that the flushes of her face reduced after bathing and washing.

The medicine selected was Berberis Aquifolium and was prescribed in the 6th potency.

Within a month, the flushing of skin reduced and the eruptions began to clear. She continued treatment for 8 months with us, and her acne cleared completely. In her words, “I finally have the kind of skin I always wanted- Clean, Smooth and Clear!”