A young lady of 32 years of age came for sinusitis, hair loss and partial loss of hearing more on left side. She also had vertigo, fatigue, depression, anaemia, migraine and acidity. She also had multiple diagnoses of asthma, diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance, hypothyroidism and high cholesterol. Her complaints list was endless.

Image: Before Treatment.

Image: Before Treatment.
She always suffered from one or the other thing, all these complaints were very long standing from her school days. She was average built, whitish complexion, very active, looking after every one at home & managing outside work too.
She got tired easily. She felt neglected and that created depression. Felt better after crying, but she had very strong will power that she would overcome all.

Image: Before Treatment.
Based on her symptoms she was given Kali Bichronicum, Calc Fluoricum, Thyroidinum, Belladona, Nat Muriatcum, Ignatia, Cholestrinum, Oleum Jacoris, Sepia etc throughout the year. With repeated follow ups, in one year she improved. No more sinus complaint, her hearing was becoming normal, no more depression. Her reports also returned to normal.
She was very happy with homeopathic treatment.

Image: After Treatment.

Image: After Treatment.