Multiple problems treated successfully with Homeopathy
N. M.,
I had a few problems; the major one was LP (Lichen Planus) for which I visited Dr. Shah. The others were (a) disturbed sleep (with lots of dreams) (b) irritable nature developed in the last 3-4 years (c) frequent tummy upsets (d) blackouts in last 6-12 months (e) no desire for sex with need for applying pressure while urinating, sometimes leading to semen-like ejaculation (f) feeling like swallowing hard particularly after consuming sweets (g) suicidal tendency.
With just six months of Dr. Shah's treatment, I have had major relief. It's actually hard to believe, but trust me, in my case homeopathy has worked very well and quite FAST. By the way 'LP' has only one treatment in Allopathy – steroids.