People with Psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis should follow a balanced, healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight not only helps reduce the severity of the psoriasis symptoms but also minimizes the risk of developing related diseases including diabetes and heart disease.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Eat fresh and raw fruits and vegetables as they provide antioxidants and flavanoids which help in reducing inflammation and boosting up immunity.
- Limit intake of red meat and dairy products.
- Eat foods that contain Psoralen before you walk out in sun - Celery, carrots, citrus, figs, fennel, and parsnips. It makes the skin more sun-sensitive to the positive effects of UV light.
- Consume oily fish, which may help reduce the inflammation associated with psoriasis - mackerel, salmon, black cod, albacore tuna, herring and sardines.
- Have a low-calorie diet if you are overweight - about 1,200 calories per day. Some researchers have shown relations between psoriasis and obesity.
- Consume gluten free diet, it benefits individuals with psoriasis. Avoid wheat, rye, barley and oats.
- Increase intake of omega 3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties. Foods rich in omega 3, Canola oil, flaxseed, flax seed oil, walnuts and green leafy vegetables, sardines, bluefish, tuna and cold water fish.
- Reduce (do not completely avoid) intake of food rich in omega 6, Cereals, vegetable oils, whole-grain breads, baked goods and margarines, eggs and poultry.
- Consume diet rich in vitamin A and zinc, which help in healthy regeneration of the skin.
- Increase intake of vitamin C as it helps maintain healthy skin.
- You can have 3-4 strands of saffron in milk, it is beneficial for skin.
- Basil leaves (tulsi) are said to be helpful in skin ailments, eat 3-4 fresh leaves daily.
Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease. Many individuals benefit from following an anti-inflammatory diet to help reduce their symptoms.
FOODS TO INCLUDE in your diet that have been shown to reduce inflammation include:
- Coldwater fish: They contain omega-3 fatty oils. Fish rich in omega-3s that has been shown to reduce inflammation include albacore tuna, mackerel, salmon, herring, and lake trout.
- Plant sources of omega-3: Flaxseeds, olive oil, pumpkin seeds and walnuts.
- Colorful fresh fruits and vegetables: Focus on eating foods from the colors of the rainbow. Some of the nutritious examples are: carrots, squash and sweet potatoes, spinach, Kale, broccoli, Blueberries, Mangoes, Strawberries and figs
FOODS TO AVOID because they have been shown to cause or increase inflammation include:
- Fatty red meats
- Dairy products
- Processed foods
- Refined sugars
- Nightshade vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes and peppers