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Autism – Seeing the World from a Different Angle


This edition has been specially created for WORLD AUTISM DAY (2nd April 2018), and is a special tribute to the courage, determination and spirit of the child & parents facing the challenges of behavioural problems, including Autism Spectrum Disorder.

  Children are a blessing from up above, and every child is special in their own special way. If we want them to bloom into beautiful adults, we must cherish them - just the way they are, accept them - for what they are and love them – unconditionally.


I know all these things are easier said than done, because at every point the preacher, the teacher and the admonisher in us jump out at every given chance. This is especially so, when the child is differently abled. However, if we learn to accept them for what they are, we will be able to make a world of a difference for them.

‘Autism’, the word itself gives you an image of a child who is unable to speak and comprehend easily, a child who has difficulty in social interactions, someone who has delayed learning, someone who makes repetitive use of words or gestures, someone who cannot define his/her emotions at the right time and at the right place. Well these may be symptoms of Autism, but trust me there is much more than this in a child with Autism. Autism is just a part of who he is, it does not define the one suffering from it.

Here’s a list of what you need to know if you have someone suffering from Autism around you:

It is very important for people, including parents, caregivers, friends and family to understand the ways of interacting with someone who has Autism, or falls in the Autism Spectrum Disorders. It helps to remember that the autistic child needs your ‘empathy’, not your ‘sympathy’.

  • Not all kids with Autism behave in the same manner. You may think you know the signs and symptoms of Autism but what you may observe in every child may be different.

  • Consciously avoid getting and feeling awkward around a child with Autism. The more awkward you get, they will sense it and shy away from you.

  • Remember that they are, after all, children, and need and crave for as much love as any other child. They need your love and love you back equally if you do it right!

  • They have difficulties in communication, but if you pay attention, they have their ways of making you understand what they want or how they are feeling.

  • They have difficulty in understanding what you say. So whenever you talk to them be simple and straight with your words. Multiple instructions/ commands/ idioms/ phrases/ sarcasms are not for them!

  • When you talk to them, have patience and wait for their response. It will not be as expected, but it will contain gestures, words or sounds which will convey their message.

  • To learn anything new, they need to see it to understand it. It may take a lot of time, but their visual memory is stronger that you can imagine!

  • They do not have instant processing skills, so to make them understand one may have to explain concepts and instructions

  • If you see them sitting alone in a playground, it may look like they do not want to play with other children. It may be that they simply do not know how to start a conversation with other kids or they just do not know how to play! Help them out by slowly initiating them to the world of play and social interactions.

  • There is usually a fixed pattern when these kids undergo a meltdown. There are also certain things that can trigger a meltdown in such kids. Try to identify them.

  • Focus on the things that they can do instead of the things that they cannot. There is more than one way to get things done. You have to be patient enough to identify their strengths.

  • Although they have special needs, nevertheless, they are as smart, thoughtful and creative as a normal child would be.

  • They may appear withdrawn, absent minded, or mean to you. However, they are just trying to defend themselves. An environment full of noise, crowd or hustle bustle may appear intimidating to them.

The whole idea is to understand that these kids are different. You cannot forcefully mould them to fit the social norms or behaviour patterns that you think is acceptable. When you come across an autistic child, instead of creating an aura of awkwardness around them accept them as they are. Give them unconditional love, comfort, empathy and compassion. They are humans just like us...they are just differently-abled!


Moving Ahead With ADHD


 Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can find school life quite challenging. And it is completely understandable, given their inability to focus and sit still. Kids with ADHD find it difficult to organize, solve problems and exercise self-regulation. If something doesn’t interest them, they just won’t do it. They could sit in front of their homework for hours together and still manage to write only a few words. They are impulsive and cannot control their whims and desires. If they feel like getting up and running around in class, they will. They can’t help it.

The academic performance of a child with ADHD is affected by several factors, such as genetics and environmental influences. While we can’t alter their genes, we definitely can positively influence their environment. With a little help from parents, teachers and guardians, their academic achievements can get better.

Listed below are a few effective ADHD management tips which are sure to help:

Communicate with your child’s teacher

Every child with ADHD is different. And it is unfair to put all of them in one big bracket. Talk to your child’s teacher about his personality and temperament. As a parent you probably know what works and what doesn’t with your child. Share those observations with his teacher. It will help her handle him better.

Help Your ADHD child get organized

Organization skills are a huge problem for those suffering with ADHD. They are unable to keep things in an orderly fashion. Their books, papers, clothes and toys – almost everything will be all over the place. The books will have empty pages in between the ones that have work written on it, some pages could be missing and some of the pages may be torn. Help them organize themselves - simplify it for them with the help of checklists and charts.

Here are some examples for your reference:

  1. -Colour-code their racks - things that belong together can be marked with one common colour

  2. -Give them a check-list they could refer to while getting ready for school in the morning

  3. -Give them a chart for every day of the week, to keep track of the day’s activities

Monitor their Progress

Keep a diary where you can jot down all his progress and developments. Get in to a system with his teacher whereby you meet her at regular intervals, and communicate weekly. Jot down your observations regarding his behaviour with dates in place. This will help you to compare his behavioural changes over time.

Homeopathy for ADHD

The role of Homeopathy in treating ADHD and behavioural disorders has been enormous. The highly individualistic and holistic approach of this science offers a safe, gentle and effective solution for children with behavioural and learning issues.

  • The best thing about Homeopathy is that the medicines are individualized for each patient. The remedy given to a particular child will be different from the remedy given to another with the same problem.
  • All homeopathic medicines are mostly made from natural resources, making them safe, pure, chemical and side-effect free.
  • The medicines are not habit-forming, and do not have any withdrawal effects.

The bottom line is, if you help your child accept rather than struggle against ADHD - all of life’s possibilities will open up for him. You can help your child find personal and professional success in the future by helping them identify their strengths and then capitalize on them.

Few Homeopathic Medicines for ADHD*

Few Homeopathic Medicines for ADHD*

Tuberculinum: The child needing Tuberculinum is extremely restless, with a constant desire to travel and for amusement. They are very headstrong and obstinate, and have a tendency to take on colds and cough frequently.

Stramonium: This medicine is of great use in children who exhibit not just violent speech, but also violent behaviour. Graceful and nimble when in a good mood, they rapidly change their disposition is at the mercy of their volatile temper.

Natrum muriaticum: This medicine is for those children who are deceptively quiet, but have a propensity to cry and sulk. Such a child prefers to be left alone to his thoughts, and has many suppressed emotions.

Chamomilla: The child who may need Chamomilla is unusually abusive and displays frequent temper tantrums. This child detests being contradicted, and goes out of his way to get what he wants, even at the cost of his anger.

* Please note that the abovementioned medicines should not be taken without consultation with a qualified homeopathic doctor. They are only indicative, and do not include all medicines prescribed for ADHD.

8 Parenting Strategies To Manage An Autistic Child


As parents, we would like our children to be happy always. As parents, we would like our children to become well-adjusted adults. As parents, we would want to give the best of everything to our children.

This is of course easier said than done, especially in a child who has special needs. Specifically speaking about Autism, here are some ways in which an autistic child could be made comfortable, and more importantly, happy, in his immediate environment and family.

  1. Focus on the positive
    Just like anyone else, children with autism spectrum disorder often respond well to positive reinforcement. That means when you praise them for the behaviours they’re doing well, it will make them (and you) feel good.

  2. Stay consistent and on schedule
    Children with autism crave the same things over and over. Once you have created a picture schedule, give it a few weeks and see whether it seems to be helping your child. You may need to change the schedule a few times until you find the best one for your child. After you find a routine that is working for both of you, stick to it!

  3. Give it time
    You will face a lot of trial and errors until you finally and actually figure out as to what technique or approach works best for your child. Stay positive and try not to get discouraged if they don’t respond well to a particular method. There will always be an alternative approach.

  4. Make time for fun
    A child with Autism is like any other child. As parents, one needs to connect with them. Understand the time when your child is most alert and active so that you can play and spend time with them. Teaching different things in a playful manner can be grasped by the child more easily. You need to figure out ways and techniques, and different types of games that your child enjoys the most, like solving puzzles, playing with blocks, miniature cars and so on.

  5. Look for nonverbal cues
    Be receptive. If you are observant and aware, you can learn to pick up on the non-verbal cues that children with autism use to communicate. The child will never tell you when they are hungry or tired or sleepy or uncomfortable in a certain environment. They usually express their feelings in the form of gestures or expressions like grunting, flapping their hands, repetitive movements, crying aloud, etc. Look out for such cues and provide necessary help to the child to provide a secure space for them to grow and learn.

  6. Figure out the motivation behind the tantrum
    It’s only natural to feel upset when you are misunderstood or ignored, and this no different for children with autism. A tantrum is their way of conveying some irritation or frustration, as well as asking for attention. The child wants to be assured about your presence and wants to be given priority over everything else you are doing. A hug or caress at such a time, with some reassuring and soothing words will calm the child and make him feel secure.

  7. Pay attention to your child’s sensory sensitivities
    Many children with autism are hypersensitive to light, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Figure out what sights, sounds, smells, movements, and tactile sensations trigger your kid’s “bad” or disruptive behaviours and what elicits a positive response. What does your child find stressful or uncomfortable, calming or enjoyable? Once YOU get sensitized to your child’s sensitivities, caring for them becomes less of a challenge, and more of an enjoyable routine.

  8. Introduce Homeopathy in your child’s life
    Homeopathy has quickly gained a reputation when it comes to managing Autism. It has generally been seen that the earlier children are started on homeopathic medication, the better are the results. Homeopathy can improve the behaviour, skills to perform daily activities independently, and even help autistic children lead relatively normal lives. Since homeopathic medicines have no side effects, withdrawal effects and are gentle in action, this system of medicine is definitely worth a try for the child with Autism.

Poor School Performance: Major concern for parents today


Education is one of the most important aspects of human resource development. Poor school performance not only results in the child having a low self-esteem, but also causes significant stress to the parents. There are many reasons for poor school performance in children.

ADHD is one of the commonest and rising causes for this. Let us know more about ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by impulsivity,difficult concentration and hyperactivity.

It's usually diagnosed in childhood, but symptoms of ADHD can continue through adolescence and adulthood.

ADHD affects about 1 in 10 school-age children, according to Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD).

It is common for parents, teachers and caregivers to mistake the symptoms of ADHD for some emotional or behavioural problems the child is showing. So let us know what ADHD is:

Signs and Symptoms

The key signs of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Children who experience inattention may:

  • Be easily distracted or become easily bored
  • Have trouble focusing
  • Have problems completing tasks or activities
  • Daydream frequently
  • Struggle with following instructions
  • Switch from one activity to another frequently
  • Be forgetful
  • Have difficulty processing information quickly

Children who are hyperactive may:

  • Talk excessively
  • Fidget and squirm
  • Be in constant motion
  • Have trouble sitting quietly or still
  • Run, jump, or climb around constantly

Children who experience impulsivity may:

  • Be impatient
  • Have difficulty taking turns or waiting for their turn
  • Frequently interrupt others
  • Act or speak without thinking

Home Remedies and Lifestyle Changes

Making certain lifestyle changes at home may help create a better environment for children with ADHD.

These changes may involve:

  • Keeping your home organized and uncluttered
  • Avoid distractive tools (like television, tablets and mobile phones)
  • When giving any instructions to the child, use simple language and clear directions. Maintain eye contact while speaking.
  • Keep motivating your child for whatever good he does, so that his confidence level doesn't fall
  • Avoid situations that may aggravate your child's behaviour
  • Showing affection frequently
  • Using "time-outs" or appropriate consequences as discipline methods
  • Some people believe that taking omega-3 fatty acids — such as those found in fish oil — can improve symptoms by helping the brain function properly.

What Our Patients Say About Us


“A. is doing good. He has improved in concentration and can sit for almost 25 minutes in one place. His cognition and understanding has also improved. Thank you Welcome Cure!” - Mr. N.C., father of Master A. (suffering from ADHD).

“Thank you Welcome Cure for treating my child, he is so much better now. There has been a significant improvement in my son's behaviour after starting Homeopathic treatment. I am also very happy with your support system and efficient Autism treatment, the distance has not hampered his medication in any way.” - Mrs. M., mother of Master S.M. (suffering from Autism)
